Hello World!

I'm Abhinav, an independent Technology consultant and IT Trainer based out of Bangalore, India.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

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Enable-Migrations Error

Ran into an error earlier regarding enable-migrations. In the past is has worked perfectly, but suddenly it seemed to barf all over my screen in red paint like so - Argh, My Eyes!! PM> Enable-Migrations Exception calling "BuildProject" with "3" argument(s): "The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))" At D:\development\Dev-Training\TaxMate\packages\EntityFramework.6.0.1\tools\EntityFramework.psm1:866...
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Thursday, October 17, 2013


Choosing the right desktop development technology

I've recently had a requirement to build out a desktop offline application that mostly does data collection. Here are the requirements technical and otherwise Must work offline Will be mostly installed on Windows laptops (assuming Windows 7+) Nice to have the ability to run it on Mac as well Simply data entry application Should be easy to maintain by a group of unknown future developers.  This is not for a company, but a volunteer based organization As I started evaluating different technologies, I went from Native...
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

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Automating PhoneGap Build build.

No - that's not a typo. I'm referring to the build process when using Adobe's phonegap build service. I won't go on much about phonegap build, except to say that it's brilliant and probably saved me from buying an expensive mac for 2 weeks of development work. Can't completely eliminate the need for a mac, but at least day-to-day phone gap based web development does not require one. Phonegap build offers you the ability to zip up your web application and upload it for a build. 2 easy steps right ? Wrong! Doing this around...
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Saturday, March 30, 2013

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Poor Man's home office setup

Scott Hanselman and Jeff Atwood, two of my favorite programmers have long talked about the perfect home office and components. However, their access to resources far exceeds mine and I suspect most people in India. For instance - IKEA is not an option here (yet). I still believe in working from home is efficient and have put in some thought and money (more thought and less money - I'm cheap)O on getting the components of this right - Room...
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

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Authentication in ASP.Net MVC

At the outset there appear to be a couple of options for doing Authentication in an ASP.Net MVC application - Global Filters and HttpModules. To understand this a little bit more in detail, we need to take a look at the Architecture of ASP.Net MVC as illustrated in the diagram below As you can see, MVC is built upon the ASP.Net framework along with other frameworks like Web Forms and Services etc. Global Filters - are implemented...
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

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Arrgh, Matey - Or the saga of the white hat pirate

Before i begin, let me qualify two things 1. I have no satisfactory solution to the problem. 2. I am not advocating piracy. What I'm getting at is this - Pirating is just simpler and more efficient than purchasing books online every step of the way To set the stage, my inventory of devices looks like this - Dell 6400 / Windows 7 Kindle 4th Generation Nexus 7 / Android Lenovo T400 / Window7 Macbook...
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Friday, March 08, 2013

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Its getting "cloud"y out here

Firstly, apologies for the pun, but it IS getting overcast in Bangalore the last few days. I've noticed that I've quite naturally migrated away from most desktop apps towards a "cloud" based solution. Or as we used to say a year ago - online solutions. But, hype and buzzwords aside, I really only took notice the last couple of weeks since my work laptop fried and I've been messing around with multiple laptops. What popped out...
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